Laura Kellams reported in her ERA article (ref. below) that, “The Democratic Party of Arkansas was in favor of ratification, while the Republican Party of Arkansas took no official stance.” However, the Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA) (the conservative wing of the Republican party) has no qualms about taking a stand supporting Arkansas’ marriage, supporting pro-life issues or addressing other issues affecting traditional family values.
The ARRA provided Republican leadership to successfully defeat the ERA while in committee. ARRA published and circulated a pamphlet titled, "Six reasons to oppose the ERA." Committee member Daniel Greenberg (R-Little Rock) said that he referred to it to form the right questions needing to be asked during the debate.
The ARRA is chartered under the NFRA, the nation's oldest and largest Republican volunteer organization. President Ronald Reagan said that the Republican Assembly is, "The Conscience of the Republican Party." Members often call themselves Reagan republicans, representing the values of the majority of Arkansans. They are social, moral, and fiscal conservative Arkansans who believe in God, family, and country and are working together to strengthen the Republican Party by upholding the traditional, Republican ideals that represent the American founders’ original intent.
The ARRA mission is to strengthen the Republican Party by registering voters, recruiting members, developing party leadership, endorsing candidates, and supporting officials who share conservative beliefs and principles. We support policies that expand the rights, liberties, and responsibilities of individuals and that reduce the size and spending of government.” Assembly president, Patrick Briney commented that, “The Assembly is here to provide Arkansas with the leadership that represents their values and best interests.” In 2006, the ARRA provided leadership in the defeat of the perpetual highway bond proposal that would have taken the power of taxation out of the hands of the voters.
The ARRA is gathering conservatives who are looking for representation in state and local government. The Assembly has leadership in all four state districts and eight counties. For more information email or visit their web site .
Read Also:
- History repeats itself as Arkansas rejects the ERA Again
- After debate, vote of 10-10 mires ERA in House panel, by Lara Kellams, NW AR Ed. AR Dem-Gazette)
- Six reasons to oppose the ERA, by Patrick Briney
Tags: Arkansas Republican Assembly, Arkansas Republican Party, ARRA, Equal Right Amendment, ERA, GOP To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Arkansas Republican Assembly leads party in opposition to the ERA
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