Breaking News
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Info Post
by Norm Allen (Out of the Norm Show 2/20/07): In high school American History, WWII was not too far in historic distance from where we were. Many of our parents had served in active duty during that war, so we “baby boomers”, were being taught first hand about the horrible things that war brings and how it destroys countries, as its sacrifice in destroying evil ideologies. There were the Allied Forces (the good guys) against the Axis Powers (the bad guys), and a simple definition of what was right and what was wrong. The word “Axis” meant that something was the center of thought and actions “turned” or rotated around that center.

President Bush called North Korea, Iran, and Iraq, an “Axis of Evil”, which needs to be toppled for the sake and safety of the free world. Who could disagree? However, the president didn’t take into consideration the fact that there is another “circle” with just as much hatred, just as much ego, and just as destructive as any country on his list. They are much more dangerous because the “Axis of Evil” that they create, forces a response from foreign enemies. The real “Axis of Evil” that is threatening the lives of Americans not just in the military, but in our daily existence is none other than some elected officials of Congress. Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, and Harry Reid are an "Axis of Evil" ... [Read More]

Tags: Axis of Evil, Harry Reid, John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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