by Doug Hagin: We Conservatives often accuse the left of having no moral compass. I am not sure that is quite correct. Everyone has a moral compass, although surely not everyone's operates in the same manner. I think Conservatives have missed their diagnosis of the left. It is not that they have no moral code, it is that they suffer from a new malady, that malady I will call moral retardation.
Liberals, I believe are often misguided and just wrong. Certainly, I would not level a charge towards them labeling them as morally dysfunctional. Liberals, while they generally disagree with Conservatives are not people who loathe America; they are not people who cannot differentiate between right and wrong. Leftists, on the other hand, as I will illustrate, suffer from such a breakdown in basic morality that they must be suffering from a very serious malfunction in their morals. They cannot at once possess a well-developed sense of basic morals and hold the positions they often hold. Allow me to explain my theory . . .
Conclusion: History tells us that Leftists look upon evil and fail to condemn it, time after time. Yet, that same history illustrates clearly that the same Leftists look upon good, and upon those that confront evil, and condemn them. Either they are evil, or they are moral retards.
Doug Hagin (age 38) born in Tampa, FLnow resides in Dallas, TX. He has been writing political columns for 7 years, and now his column runs regularly in American Daily, Republican News Daily, the Starr Journal, the Intellectual Conservative, Hour Eleven, the Reality Check, Opinion Editorials, the Ellis County Press, and the Daley News Post along with others.
Tags: leftist, liberal, moral retardation
The moral retardation of Leftists
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