by William J. Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition : Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has just plain gone wacko. In all the years I...
Earmark stench is getting worse
The Washington DC Examiner Newspaper : Senators who haven’t yet gotten their earmark requests tucked into the Senate Labor, Health and Human...
New bills would gives special preference to homosexuals
American Family Association: A new bill, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), has been introduced in the House of Representatives...
Conservative Black Pastors Fight Bill on Hate Crimes
by Hamil R. Harris, Washington Post : A coalition of conservative African American pastors is lobbying Congress to vote against a bill that...
1st Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate: Hillary loses
by Star Parker: The first debate of the 2008 presidential campaign was an unimpressive affair. Poor management of the event by MSNBC didn...
Huckabee Releases Internet Videos - Addressing Campaign Issues
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee Exploritory Committee released Internet videos this week . Huckabee is a candidate seeking the 2008 ...
Tom Tancredo on CNN & Fox News [Videos]
Congressman Tom Tancredo and candidate for the Republican Presidential 2008 nomination was on both CNN's Headline News Prime with Glenn ...
Letters to the Editor On Federal Hate Crime Bill
The following two letters were received by the ARRA Blog editors today. They were also sent to the to the Arkansas Democrat Gazatte , We do ...
Fred Thompson supports helping Iranians overthrow leaders
David Koenig, AP, reports: "Fred Thompson, the politician and actor considering a White House bid, said Friday he favors helping the I...
PETA wants reporters to identify animals as he or she
FoxNews reports that PETA — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — has a message for the editors at the Associated Press: Fido's...
Brownback rescinds support of amnesty bill
Washington Times : Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Sam Brownback said yesterday he no longer supports the immigration overhaul bill th...
Mexico opens new Mexican consulate in Arkansas
By Rob Moritz, Arkansas News Bureau : The state's first foreign diplomatic office - a Mexican consulate - officially opened its doors W...
McCarthy-Dingell HR 297 Threating Gun Owners
GOA Alert: All the gun haters (who have been keeping silent for a while) are now coming out of the closet and into the open. Take the notor...
Arkansas Teacher Honored at the White House
This morning, Rep. Boozman (R-AR) joined Springdale, Arkansas teacher Justin Minkel at the White House where President George Bush and Firs...
Liberals (Barney and Friends) launched an attack on family values& Lays groundwork for silencing Christian viewpoint on homosexuality
Liberals launched a full-blown attack on family values yesterday, introducing and debating bills that could significantly change America...
Speaking out for Truth, Doctrine and Faith
Tony Perkins, FRC: In a powerful call to conscience, the Vatican's second-highest doctrinal official delivered a speech yesterday that ...
Attorney General Gonzales to meet with Sen. Pryor on resolve dispute
by Aaron Sadler, Stephens Washington Bureau: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will meet with Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR), today in an effort to...
Presidential Candidate Huckabee addresses issues in Rogers, Arkansas
Former Governor Mike Huckabee just off the campaign trail in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, spoke to reporters and bloggers on var...
Silencing CriticismThe history of sham arguments for McCain-Feingold.
by James Bopp Jr.: There is a perennial impulse among governing powers to make political dissent illegal. The Framers of our Constitution, ...
Karl Rove to Speak at Washington County Lincoln Day Dinner
Robin Lundstrum, Chair of the Washington County Republican Committee Lincoln Day Dinner, has announced that Karl Rove will be their special ...
Sticker Shock: Student Suspended for Duct Tape Message
Tony Perkins, FRC: Try as they might to smother the pro-family message, school officials across the country had a difficult time silencing ...
Vermont wants to impeach the Prez/Veep
by Mark A Kilmer ( as posted on his weblog ): Perhaps stoned on the Maple syrup, Vermont’s State critters want to impeach Bush/Cheney : ...
Border agents reject leadersRamos-Compean, 'amnesty' cited in unanimous no-confidence vote
WorldNetDaily: Citing the case of imprisoned former agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean among other complaints, all 100 top leader...
Your Religious Freedom Is In Jeopardy! US House Judiciary Committee fast-tracking so-called hate crimes bill
by Rev Louis Sheldon, TVC : The House Judiciary Committee is fast-tracking the so-called hate crimes bill, the Local Law Enforcement Hate C...
The inside story of the Soviet downfallThe Crusader: Ronald Reagan & the Fall of Communism
by Wes Vernon: Bit-by-bit there has emerged a large body of evidence that this "amiable dunce [as one powerful fixture of Washington...
The Ginsburg Worldview
by David Limbaugh: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissenting opinion in Gonzales v. Carhart illustrates the moral depths and quagmires o...
Former Enemy of the U.S. Details the Damage Done DefeatismReid Should Resign as Senate Majority Leader
By Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) spoke the following words of defeatism this week (4/20/07) at a news c...
Huckabee Hailed in South Carolina
Spartanburg County, SC - Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee beat out Republican competition Saturday by more than 400 points at the Spa...
Pelosi-Murtha Preemptive Surrender Bill
by Rod Martin : Democrats have voted to cut funding for the war; strip the President of war-making authority; cut off reinforcements for ou...
Big Foot, Unicorns, and Pro-Trade DemocratsAre they fantasies after all?
By Daniel Ikenson, Assoc. Director, Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute: Democratic leaders have been asserting that, despite t...
Promises Made: “Adios” to PAYGODemocrat Position: Good for America Unless It's Bad for Democrats
by Rep. John Boozman Press Office: It took 105 days, but PAYGO is now not worth the paper it was written on. Remember last month when the D...
New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) Supports Civil Unions
FRC: Despite the best efforts of pro-family groups, the New Hampshire state senate is moving forward quickly with its political agenda to l...
House Violates Constitution & Votes to give D.C. a seatThree Arkansas Congressmen Display Ignorance of the Constitution
Washington Times: The House yesterday approved congressional voting rights for the District of Columbia, granting the D.C. delegate a vote ...