by Aaron Sadler: President Bush on Tuesday nominated Brian Miller, a Helena lawyer and Arkansas Court of Appeals judge, to a federal judgeship in Little Rock. Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor (both D-AR) endorsed Miller, 40. They pledged to shepherd his nomination through the Senate, which must confirm the appointment. Miller, who is black, would succeed the late George Howard of Pine Bluff as a judge for the state’s Eastern District. . . . Miller was chosen from among six candidates submitted to the White House by Rep. John Boozman (R-AR). Boozman is the only Republican in the Arkansas delegation and is Bush’s main contact on Arkansas appointments. “I feel privileged that the president has chosen to appoint me and I feel privileged that Congressman Boozman sent my name up and our two senators supported me,” Miller said. . . . Though appointed to the state court by a Republican and nominated to the federal bench by a Republican, Miller said he has no party affiliation.“I guess I’m a true independent who has supported both (parties),” he said. . . . [Read More]
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Bush Picks State Judge For Federal Post in Arkansas
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