Breaking News
Friday, October 26, 2007

Info Post
Hat Tip to Foehammer's Anvil for getting the word out on this story. MSNBC News: Oklahoma lawmakers object to donated Qurans - Gifts returned to diversity panel; lawmaker says book condones killing:

A gift intended to promote diversity in Oklahoma is generating controversy instead. Several state lawmakers are returning copies of the Quran to a state panel on diversity after one lawmaker claimed the Muslim holy book condones the killing of innocent people. In a letter to colleagues, state Representative Rex Duncan says "most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology." At least 17 other legislators have notified the Governor's Ethnic American Advisory Council that they too will return the gift.

The council's chairwoman, herself a Muslim, is denouncing Duncan's assessment of Islam. She says Islam not an ideology but a religion, and a "very peaceful, very inclusive" one. In Washington, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) calls Duncan's statement "disturbing" and "offensive."

ARRA Comment: Thank you to the Oklahoma lawmakers who stood up. What is Oklahoma's Governor doing with an Ethnic American Advisory Council? A Cowboy Advisory Council - Yes! A Ethnic Council that passes out a book advocating the death of Christian, Jews and all other Americans with a beliefs other than those of Muhammad and the present Islamist radical seeking to destroy America - No! Makes me wonder what is going on in Arkansas and all the other states and territories. Please share with us what is happening in your community or state related to passing out Qurans (Korans).

Tags: CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Koran, Oklahoma, Quran


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