Breaking News
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Info Post
ARRA Note: Follow-on to the Right Wing News report for the 3rd Qtr 2007 Edition: [Summary: Fred Thompson continues as candidate of choice for right-of center bloggers.]
10/26/07: Right Wing News emailed more than 225 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to send us a ranked list 1-5 of the candidates that they would most like to take the Republican nomination for President in 2008 and the 1-5 candidates they'd least like to see as the Republican nominee in 2008 . . .
Most Desired Nominee For 2008 (desired position: 1st)
10) John Cox (3.0)
9) Alan Keyes (5.0) - new candidate since last report
8) Ron Paul (9.0)
7) Tom Tancredo (20.0)
6) John McCain (28.5)
5) Mike Huckabee (37.5)
4) Mitt Romney (45.0)
3) Duncan Hunter (51.0)
2) Rudy Giuliani (55.5)
1) Fred Thompson (76.5)

Least Desired Nominee For 2008 (desired position: 10th)
10) Fred Thompson (4.5)

9) Mike Huckabee (13.0)
8) Duncan Hunter (13.5)
7) Mitt Romney (20.0)
6) Rudy Giuliani (22.5)
5) Tom Tancredo (35.5)
4) John Cox (41.0)
3) John McCain (41.5)
2) Alan Keyes (46.5) - new candidate since last report
1) Ron Paul (74.5)

Net Score For The GOP Nominees (Positive Minus Negative - desired position: 1st)
10) Ron Paul (-65.5)

9) Alan Keyes (-41.5) - new candidate since last report
8 John Cox (-38.0)
7) Tom Tancredo (-15.5)
6) John McCain (-13.0)
5) Mike Huckabee (24.5)
4) Mitt Romney (25.0)
3) Rudy Giuliani (33.0)
2) Duncan Hunter (37.5)
1) Fred Thompson (72.0)
[Read More]

Tags: election 2008, GOP, online polls, Republican, republican candidates, Right Wing To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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