Candidates were aggressive in trying to identify who was the most conservative and then addressed perceived "conservative defects" in the other candidates. At times, this was both amusing and enlightening. Candidates that "took-on" Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democrat candidate, received the enthusiastic approval of the audience. Thompson and Romney addressed the importance of keeping Hillary out of the White House. Giuliani quoted Hillary statement that she has "a million ideas. American can't afford them all." Rudy jested, "No kidding Hillary, we can't afford you." McCain received a standing ovation, even from non-supporter, to show their appreciation for his military service after e said, "In case you missed it, a few days ago, Senator Clinton tried to spend one million dollars on the Woodstock Concert Museum. now, my friends, I wasn’t there, I’m sure it was a cultural and pharmaceutical event. I was tied up at the time, but the fact is ..." The tied up comment relating to his time as a prisoner of war. Video of comment follows:
Ron Paul repeated his usual "isolationism" litany and was often booed by the audience. Tom Tancredo was "iced out" by the moderators. Both Mike Huckabee and Duncan Hunter offered important comments but did not receive adequate time. Huckabee said, "if Hillary Clinton were President taxes would go up" and "the Security of our nation would be at stake." Huckabee noted Hillary being president is "no laughing matter."
A Fox News' focus group did not pick a winner for the debate. However, they loved it when candidates addressed their nemesis, Hillary Clinton. A majority of the group indicated that they felt Rudy Giuliani was the most likely best option to beat Clinton. They recognized Thompson & Romney strengths. They also said that although they had not been Huckabee supporters, they were impressed by Huckabee's comments and felt that Huckabee is not being allowed adequate time in the debates.
In my opinion, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney came out as the top three in this debate. John McCain and Mike Huckabee were the second tier winners. Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul were next with Tom Tancredo pulling up the rear. Tancredo should drop out and expect he will do so after the Iowa Caucus or New Hampshire primary. Hunter has much to share but with his lack of funding and media support, he may not be with us much longer. Ron Paul should drop but with the significant funding from libertarian and anti-war supporters, he may will be the "torn in the side" of the other candidates until the Republican convention. Most of these guys together would make a powerful team that would benefit our country and I hope the final nominee wisely considers this fact and does not waste this talent!
Hat tip to GOPnews for the image and identifying the following links:
NY Times: At Debate, G.O.P. Race Becomes More Personal
Fox News: Republican Debate Offers Internal Jabs, Pack Attack on Hillary Clinton
Politico: Republicans trade blows at fiery debate
AP/Quaid: GOP Rivals Argue Who's Most Conservative
NRO: Everybody Was Good; Fred, Rudy, and Huck Were Best
NY Post: Hillary's the 'roast' of the town at GOP debate
Tags: Election 2008, Florida, Fox News, Fred Thompson, GOP, John Mccain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, presidential candidates, Republican, Rudy Giuliani, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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