Breaking News
Monday, October 29, 2007

Info Post
by John Hill, The Sacramento Bee: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's own party is turning on her . . . For Pelosi, it was the first time the poll showed more people disapproving than approving of her performance – 40% to 35%, with 25% having no opinion. Other polls since 2003 have shown larger numbers of voters with no opinion, but Pelosi always won more approval than disapproval. As recently as March, California Democrats approved of Pelosi by a 5-to-1 ratio . . . Now it's less than 2-to-1. Nonpartisan voters also have soured on her. Only 22% of voters approve of the job Congress is doing, the poll found, while 64% disapprove . . . [Read More]

by Molly Ball, Review Journal: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's appeal among Nevadans has plunged dramatically in a new Review-Journal poll, which finds him viewed unfavorably by most likely voters in his home state. Reid is less favorably viewed than President Bush. "Fortunately for Reid, he doesn't have to run for re-election for a while" . . . Reid's favorable rating was 32% compared with 51% unfavorable and 15% neutral. . . . The new poll marks the first time the Review-Journal has measured Reid's unfavorable rating higher than his favorable number . . . [Read More]

Tags: California, Harry Reid, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, Nevada, polls, Senate Majority Leader, US Congress To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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