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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Info Post
by Matt Margolis, GOP Bloggers: I have to say I was a bit confused after reading this story about an internal Democrat memo that faults their party's message for not winning the hearts of voters. . . . I would argue the opposite. Democrats may be wrong on the issues, but they've got a good handle on rhetoric. For instance, their attacks over the SCHIP veto... They've made their attacks against Republicans a debate about denying health coverage for kids. They try to make the issue over gay marriage an issue about "equality." They've attacked Bush's tax cuts (the same ones that have strengthened our economy and brought unemployment significantly down) as tax cuts for the rich. And somehow, they've managed to keep a huge majority of the African-American vote despite the fact they were the party that opposed civil rights.

No, Democrats are not suffering from a deficit of rhetoric. They're suffering from being wrong on the issues and being out of the mainstream. . . . They know they lose on the issues, which is why they've failed to have a significant list of accomplishments since January. . . . Despite their victory last year, the Democratic Party is in trouble. If they think it's because of rhetoric and message and not about issues then they are in more trouble they realize. . . . [Read More]

Tags: bloggers, Democrats, GOP


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