Bill Smith, ARRA Editor : We received word from Jeannie Burlsworth, Chairman, Secure Arkansas that "the Secure Arkansas ballot initia...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is Out of Touch
by Joe Eule, Chief of Staff, Freedom's Watch : In a 2006 press release, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that Democrats had a common ...
Obama Expresses 'Outrage'... Wink, Wink
by Bobby Eberle : Sen. Barack Obama has finally had enough. His former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, has been conducting a multi-event tour over...
England's Call to Repeal Our Declaration of Independence
by Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum : It's a good thing that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's U.S. visit was upstaged by the dram...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 30, 2008
On The Floor: Senate reconvened at 9:30 AM today and resumed consideration of the FAA reauthorization bill (H.R. 2881). The Senate will re...
Orphans of the Corn: Stop the Massacre
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor : Friend, fellow blogger and Grizzly Groundswell contributor, J.G. at Hoopy Frood Dude posted the following story ...
King of Pork John Murtha Squealing
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor : The Pennsylvania (PA) Secretary of State has not official certified last Tuesday's primary elections. However...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 29, 2008
On The Floor: The Senate reconvened at 10 AM today with a period of morning business and will recess for weekly policy lunches between 12:30...
Wright Is Wrong
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families : Barack Obama’s former pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright is speaking out publicly in defense of hi...
What They’re Saying About McCain’s Arkansas Visit
by Selby Bush, RPA Communications Director: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: “The Senator from Arizona and presumptive GOP presidential nominee ...
Huckabee & McCain "Straight Talk"
Mike Huckabee and John McCain gave an interview to reporters on 4/25/08 from McCain's Straight Talk Express Campaign Bus. Huckabee stron...
Cost to Americans for Delay of Columbia Free Trade Agreement
Bill Smith, ARRA News Service: The below tickler estimates the amount of tariffs imposed on American companies by Colombia since the Free T...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 28, 2008
On The Senate Floor: The Senate will reconvene at 2 PM today. At 5:30, the Senate is expected to vote on cloture on the motion to proceed t...
Election Idea
There are less than eight months until the election, an election that will decide the next President of the United States. The person electe...
No Intellegence - Democrats Win
From a reader who asked if we knew who did this Wizard of Id cartoon and when. We researched and determined the cartoon was by Brant Parker ...
North Carolina GOP Takes on Liberals
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: The North Carolina GOP released the below ad taking on the liberal positions of candidates in their state who ali...
Hucakbee Supports McCain Against "Hillary R. Obama"
Former rival Mike Huckabee campaigned together with Sen. John McCain on Friday. Per the AP : Huckabee joked that they were so civil as oppon...
The Blogger Protection Act of 2008
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor : Many years ago, I had the wonderful opportunity while serving our county to live in Montana. The words "Big ...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 25, 2008
In the Senate: The Senate recessed yesterday until Monday at 2 PM. They are then expected to vote at 5:30 on cloture on the motion to pro...
Pelosi’s "Fictional" Bible Verse
Hat Tip to Orlando at FHK : Nancy Pelosi was caught fictionalizing a verse in the Bible. The verse, it turns out, does not exist. As CNS Ne...
Questions For The Democrat Party . . .
As Senator John McCain makes his way to Arkansas tomorrow to talk about the real issues facing voters in this state and nationwide, the Dem...
Obama's Elitism Has Blue Dog Dems Howling
Pete Kirkham, Executive Director, NRCC : The Democrat Party is very nervous these days. DNC Chairman Howard Dean was on CNN last week, insi...
Card Check, Colombia: Unions Running the Show
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Yesterday, being at the Little Rock Capitol, I could not participate in a discussion with Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) w...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 24, 2008
On The Floor: Yesterday, the Senate failed to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the Ledbetter bill (H.R. 2831) which would have r...
Jimmy Carter Returns
With the return of Former President Jimmy Carter from his "citizen" visit to the Middle East, we surveyed some people for their re...
The Pelosi Premium?
Tired of paying the Pelosi Premium at the pump? Hold Democrats accountable for their broken promises. Gary Bauer commented the above video ...
Today in Washington D. C. - April 23, 2008
On The Floor: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has again demonstrated Democrats’ mismanagement of the Senate. Democrats began this week pu...
Aren’t Fuel Prices High Enough?
by Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform Taxpayer Protection Pledge ) would stifle investment, and the domestic energy it produces. One...