Yesterday, picked up press credentials and learned of the pending convention delay. Attended a private screening of "An American Carol." Here is a video of the trailer...
Last night, those of us involved with Let's Get This Right participated in interviewing four candidates for Congress and are distributing info to those states. Parking was at premium near Centerfield because of American idol performing a few blocks away. We also retired to a motel early to avoid another evening of adventure on the street. You ask, what adventures?
Well, the previous night, several of us observe the night life of downtown Minneapolis outside of "Centerfield" Bar and Restaurant where we have set up operation for the main street media. The new owners aptly named their business Centerfield because it right across from the new baseball stadium that is under construction. Once the stadium is operational, the location will be an even bigger hit and will have a changed clientele. The Owners of Centerfield took us under their wings, "issued use definitive instructions," and then positioned us outside their business at cafe tables to observe the night life. We were cautioned not to get involved any altercations.
Brad, the owner of Centerfield had graciously extended an invitation to stay at his home. The price was our agreeing to stay until 3 am to observe the happenings of the evening. Centerfield is a great location for pizza sales to party goers heading home from the nightclubs and shows. At one point, three feet from us, two women in a group of 10 began a "verbal exchange" which quickly became physical. Brad quickly shuffled us farther from the altercation. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed as friends separated the "women."
Some locals pointed out that some of the "women" passing by were not women at all. Although the bars close at 2 am, people stayed on the streets and Centerfield sold a lot of pizzas out their carryout window. Right before 3 am, we were ushered inside as the police arrived to "sweep" the streets of the remaining party goers. Ten mounted policemen and their horses road down the sidewalks flushing party goers off the sidewalks and into the streets. Then firetrucks arrived "encouraging" everyone to leave for home. The police operation were very controlled, organize and impressive.
Tags: Centerfield, Bar and Restaurant, horses, Minneapolis, 2008, RNC Convention To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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