Hat tip to Campaign2008VictoryA for the following comments by Col. William Russel (R-Candidate) concerning John Murtha's (D-PA-12th Dis...
Ron Paul Surpasses Romney & Giuliani
Today, the Ron Paul campaign identified that U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) run for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination has rea...
Stem Cell Vindication
by Charles Krauthammer: A decade ago, James A. Thomson was the first to isolate human embryonic stem cells. Last week, he (and Japan's ...
Wal-Mart: Low Prices, High Standards & Return to Family-Friendly Company
Tony Perkins, FRC : If the Human Rights Campaign is complaining about Wal-Mart, then the retail giant must finally be doing something right...
If surge is working, let’s fund the troops
Today, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) said “the surge is working” after returning from his latest visit t...
A Fight to Get to Huckabee!
Hat tip to Michigan Redneck for the lead to this Fox News blog story by Shushannah Walshe : I’ve seen some serious New York City press gagg...
Duncan Hunter to Hillary Clinton on Debate Plant - Send More!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 29, 2007 San Diego, CA - - - GOP Presidential candidate Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) today sent the foll...
Rush Limbaugh Speaks Out: Moderates Dominate GOP Debate; Only Fred Sounded Conservative
Rush Limbaugh, The Rush Limbaugh Show : It was fascinating to me, as I said, to watch this because it hit me upside the head -- even though...
GOP YouTube Debate Flubs: Falsehoods, exaggerations & stumbles
Factcheck.org analyzed the debate . Caught: Romney Giuliani Huckabee Romney Again, Fred Thompson got his facts right. Summary - The CNN/You...
Pro-Life U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde Died Today
by Steve Jalsevac, LifeSiteNews : Early this morning, former U.S. Congressman Henry Hyde, described by Colleen Parro, of the Republican Nat...
CNN - The Clinton News Network!!
by Gary Bauer : Last night's CNN/YouTube debate was an example of yet another "ambush" of the GOP presidential candidates by ...
Virginia GOP Primary Voters Must Sign Loyalty Oath
Update: GOP in Virginia abandons loyalty pledge ! On Monday, the Virgina State Board of Elections approved a Virginia Republican Party requ...
What If America Said "No"?
by Bob Parks, Outside the Wire : They came here for several centuries for the same reasons - freedom and hope - and then a Frenchman created...
Is A Do-Nothing Congress Always Bad? -- Kill the Veterans Disarmament Act
Gun Owners of America: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) made headlines recently when discussing the frustrations that Democrats have had in usi...
Feminist Abuse of Domestic Violence Laws
by Phyllis Schlafly , Eagle Forum : The radical feminists have devised a scheme to cash in on a flow of taxpayers' money in a big way ....
Democrats shift to talking down the economy
The latest Pew Research poll shows that “For the first time in a long time, nearly half of Americans express positive opinions about the si...
Senate GOP Leadership Elections December 6th
Sources inside the beltway revealed that a Senate Republican leadership elections will be held next Thursday, Dec. 6 (9:30 a.m.), at a speci...
CNN cannot abide a black republican candidate.
CNN evident bias, if not prejudice, is on display when they will only abide having a black candidate on the Democrat rostrum talking as a D...
Ties to Arkansas don’t secure delegates to conventions
by Jim Brooks, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette : The 2008 presidential race is particularly interesting for Arkansans because two candidates — on...
Speaking English on the Job is Common Sense... Right?
by Bobby Eberle, The Loft : A new survey shows that a vast majority of Americans believe that companies should be allowed to require employ...
21st-Century Reaganism
Investor Business Daily Editorial : The war for the soul of the Republican Party was won in 1980 by Ronald Reagan. Presidential candidates w...
Republican Leaders Rep. Dennis Hastert & Sen. Trent Lott Retire
Representative Dennis Hastert (R-IL), former Speaker of the House officially resigned last night at 11:59 pm EST. He made his resignation o...
Alan Keyes' Campaign Responds to RPA Filing Fees
by Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Former Ambassador Alan Keyes did not file as a Republican candidate in Arkansas. We suspected that the reason m...
Huckabee, the False Conservative
Update - See also: More Reasons To Beware Of Mike Huckabee by Dr. Chuck Baldwin (11/27/07) and Huckabee's Republican Paradox by Dr. P...
Islamofascists Target Arizona Base
by Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families : Fort Huachuca in Arizona is our nation's largest intelligence training center, housing 1...
Senate Democrats Gone in 60 Seconds
An editorial in The Wall Steet Journal ends with a point worth noticing : Most Senators have left Washington for the Thanksgiving recess, ...
Democrats Greedily Blocking Healthcare for our Returning Veterans
When reading the following consider the words of Theodore Roosevelt: "A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is goo...
Huckabee waxes eloquent -- and inaccurate on illegal immigration
by Adam Graham : Mike Huckabee is getting some love from the left side of the blogosphere tonight. You see he's made a statement on ill...
Bush Administration Suspends Enforcement of Employment Verification Rule
According to Julia Preston, The New York Times : The Bush administration will suspend its legal defense of a new rule issued in August to pu...
Giuliani Leads but Huckabee Catches Thompson & Romney
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday (11/23) shows a three-way tie for second behind national frontrunner R...
Texas court: Fetus death can be murderKilling unborn baby a crime unless mother consents
Texas laws allow the killing of a fetus to be prosecuted as murder, regardless of the fetus' stage of development, but they do not apply...
Update: Not all bad for Hope! Trailers of Hope Stuck in Hope, Arkansas
Update 11/24: Hope finds out FEMA trailers at airport not all bad : Hope collects $25,000 monthly rent. Salaries are paid to 75 workers FE...