by Gary Bauer: Last night's CNN/YouTube debate was an example of yet another "ambush" of the GOP presidential candidates by liberal operatives. One of the final YouTube questions was asked by retired Brig. Gen. Keith H. Kerr (although there are questions being raised about his rank), who outlined his military credentials and then announced he was a homosexual. Kerr proceeded to demand that the GOP candidates allow open homosexuals in the military. After the candidates responded, CNN moderator Anderson Cooper announced that Kerr was actually in the audience. They handed him a microphone and allowed him to confront the candidates - this time in person.
So why was this one questioner given such special treatment on an issue that ranks very low as a priority with average voters? CNN had obviously arranged for him to be in the debate hall and have a seat in the front rows. This morning it was disclosed that Brig. General Kerr had already signed on with Hillary Clinton's campaign!
Kerr is a member of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender Americans for Hillary (No, I am not kidding) and co-chair of her National Military Veterans group. And he wasn't the only Democrat operative selected to ask a question. The young woman named Journey, who asked the candidates whether women who have abortions would be put in jail after abortion is illegal, is in fact a John Edwards supporter, a fact easily discovered by looking on her YouTube profile page. The Log Cabin "Republican" who posed a pro-gay rights question is an Obama supporter! Before this is over we may discover that the only Republicans on camera last night were the GOP candidates! Seriously, CNN did a lousy job of screening. They are either inept or there was willful collusion. See also: CNN Takes Heat Over Questions
Tags: Arab League, Fitna, Geert Wilders, Indonesia, Islamist, Muslim, Pakistan, YouTube To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
CNN - The Clinton News Network!!
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