Harry Reid: The War is Lost!
Fact: No Harry, the War is not Lost.
Harry Reid: The Troop Surge will not work!
Fact: No Harry, the Troop Surge is working.
Harry Reid: I am loved by my constituents!
Fact: No Harry, you are being rejected by your constituents and a "super" majority of Americans.
Harry Reid: But, I will make them love me! I will stop the funding for the IRAQ and Afghanistan troops. And, I went to Senator's Byrd birthday party & then told everyone watching C-Span.
Fact: Harry, do you really believe that your Democrat colleagues don't know that you are incompetent. You are placing our Nation at risk; pandering to a group of liberal bloggers who didn't vote for you; setting an all time record for failed political gamesmanship by forcing the President to veto excessively laden pork bills and you have not provided for the continued funding appropriations needed for the rest of the Federal Government to operate.
Truth: Harry Reid - You are the Poster Child for Incompetence!
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Incompetence: Synonym for Harry Reid
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