Education Reporter: Recently in New Hampshire, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards affirmed that King & King, a homosexual fairy tale, was appropriate for 2nd-graders. King & King is a picture book about a prince seeking a princess to marry. To his mother's surprise, he decides to marry one of the princesses' brothers instead. The book has caused controversy in districts where teachers have read it to elementary school children. In Massachusetts, parents protested the book without success even though the state requires parental notification before sex ed lessons.
"Same-sex marriage is legal in Massachusetts but most of you oppose it. Would you be comfortable having this story read to your children as part of their school curriculum?" asked Allison King of New England Cable News at the debate.
"Yes, absolutely," was Edwards's resounding reply. "I want my children to understand everything about the difficulties that gay and lesbian couples are faced with every day. . . . I don't want to impose my view. Nobody made me God," he explained. Edwards did promise that although he opposes gay marriage, he will extend to homosexual couples all benefits available to married heterosexual ones, will do away with the Defense of Marriage Act and will abolish the U.S. military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Obama agreed with Edwards and added his signature rhetoric of hope, reason and tolerance opposing fear, conflict and division.
"I really respect what both John and Barack said," affirmed Sen. Clinton. She did not answer the question directly, but urged respect for other people and their choices, and passage of the federal Hate Crimes bill. "We haven't been able to get it passed, and it is an important measure to send a message that we stand against hatred and divisiveness. And I think that, you know, that's what the Democratic Party stands for in contrast, all too often, to the other side."
Republican primary candidate Mitt Romney criticized the Democrats' responses. "This is a subject that should be left to parents, not public school teachers. We need to strengthen our families by passing a federal marriage amendment and also insisting on marriage before having children." Romney has already sparred with Obama on sex ed and the appropriateness of sex ed topics for kindergarten students.
Tags: Barack Obama, debate, Democrats, Election 2008, Hillary Clinton, Homosexual Agenda, John Edwards, New Hampshire To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Top Three Democrats Favor King & King Homosexual Fairy Tale
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