Tony Perkins, Family Research Council: For a case with such enormous implications, Tuesday's ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court has received relatively little media attention. The Rocky Mountain region is poised to take an enormous step in the movement to defend and define the personhood of the unborn. By a unanimous 7-0 decision, the high court gave its approval to language for a ballot initiative that pro-lifers hope to put before voters in November 2008. If successful, the campaign would make Colorado the first state to vote on the question of when life begins. Even more importantly, it would give voters the opportunity to establish a human life in the womb as a "person" under state law. As such, even the smallest unborn child would receive the constitutional protections of "inalienable rights, justice, and due process." A victory would strike at the very heart of Roe v. Wade and have far-reaching significance in addressing the legality of abortion. While social conservatives have a momentous task before them--collecting 76,047 signatures in the next six months to secure the amendment's place on next year's ballot--they believe the momentum is building in their favor. If you live in Colorado, I encourage you to get your family and church involved in this petition drive. For those of you watching this debate unfold from afar, consider starting a movement in your own state or get involved in one that has already begun. Similar proposals in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Montana, Mississippi, and Oregon are already underway. Regardless of where you live, your family can enter the battle in the most crucial way of all--by committing to pray that the voters of Colorado spark all Americans to revisit the dignity of life at every stage. See also:Colorado Supreme Court Approves Ballot Language for Abortion AmendmentTags:abortion, Colorado, Family Research Council, FRC, pro-life, Tony PerkinsTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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