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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Info Post
by Phyllis Schlafly, Human Events: Let's face it. Some people, especially liberals, just don't like the U.S. Constitution. Every few years, they come up with wild or devious plans to make major changes. The would-be rewriters of the Constitution do not merely propose amendments to remedy a problem, as allowed for in Article V. They seek structural change after hurling put-downs such as archaic and out-of-date. The latest to imagine that he can write a 21st century improvement on our great Constitution is Univ, of Virginia professor Larry J. Sabato . . . Here are some of Sabato's 23 proposals . . .
  • Make all former presidents and vice presidents "National senators."
  • Give the 10 most populous states two additional senators, the 15 next most populous states one additional senator, and the District of Columbia one senator.
  • Doesn't like the Electoral College - change to reduce the chances that a president will win without a majority of the popular vote. Because of third parties, we've had many elections (including three of the last four), when no presidential candidate received a popular-vote majority.
  • Abolish the constitutional provision that the president and vice president shall be "a natural-born citizen."
  • Elect the president and all Senate and House members at the same time.
  • Give federal judges guaranteed cost-of-living pay increases.
  • A four-month presidential primary system into the Constitution.
  • Allow the House of Representatives to be appointed (rather than elected) in the event of extensive deaths or incapacitation.
  • Two years of mandatory national (military) service for all young men and women
  • Taxpayer financing for congressional campaigns.
  • Automatic registration system for U.S. citizens in order to guarantee that their right to vote is not "abridged by bureaucratic requirements"?
  • Scrap our present Constitution and start over from a clean slate.
When Sabato recently gathered a few people to discuss his proposals, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito summed up the reaction not only of those at the meeting, but of the rest of us, too. "I'm pretty fond of the Constitution we have now," he said. Thank you, Justice Alito. So are we. . . . [Complete Article]

Tags: Human Events, Larry Sabato, Phyllis Schlafly, US Constitution To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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