Breaking News
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Info Post
From Senate sources: Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared that Democrats won’t agree to a $50 billion bridge fund for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan if it doesn’t include arbitrary withdrawal requirements. Reid’s latest pronouncement came on the same day the AP reported that a brigade of troops was heading home from Diyala province, among a number of other stories of progress in Iraq. Senate Armed Services Comm. Chair Carl Levin said to The Politico that though he supports a goal for withdrawing troops, “I would hope [Reid’s] strategy would be to get the votes for a bridge fund.”

Democrats’ mismanagement of war funding could have serious consequences. According to
the AP, “If Democrats refuse to send Bush the $50 billion, the military would have to drain its annual budget to keep the wars afloat.” Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England has warned that forcing the Pentagon to move its regular budget to war funding could mean closing military facilities, deferring contracts, and possibly even laying off civilian workers. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is scheduled come to the Hill today to discuss funding issues with members of Congress.

To get our troops the funding they need, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said yesterday that he would use Senate Rule 14 to put on the calendar legislation that would provide $70 billion to carry the military into the next year. The language comes from an amendment Sen. Ted Stevens offered during conference negotiations on the Defense appropriations bill.

On The Floor: Senate will resume consideration of the farm bill (H.R. 2419). The $283 billion farm bill is remains stalledon the floor,because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has
prohibited Republicans from offering amendments. Reid complained this morning about Republican desires to offer amendments to the farm bill concerning border security and estate taxes.

Action is possible this week on the House AMT patch which
amounts to a tax hike.

Tags: Harry Reid, Iraq War funding, AMT, AMT patch, farm bill, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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