Breaking News
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Info Post
Congress - in a Mess: New Gallup poll shows “Americans widely disappointed with Democrats in Congress.” A majority o f Americans are “disappointed” or “angry” with Congress’ handling of Iraq, immigration, the deficit, health care, and the economy. The AP reported yesterday on the consequences of Congress not passing funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan on time. “In a recent letter to Congress, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England warned that the Army was on track to run out of money by February. England also said that without more money the military would eventually have to close facilities, layoff civilian workers and defer contracts. Also, the budget delay could disrupt training efforts of Iraqi security forces and efforts to protect troops against roadside bombs, he said.”

In the House: Last night, the House voted yet again on a measure to force withdrawal from Iraq, in complete disregard for the facts on the ground. The bill was narrowly approved and faces dim prospects in the Senate. President Bush has assured Democrats that he will veto this bill. Among the troubling provisions in the Democrats’ latest attempt to undermine progress in Iraq are requirements to begin troop withdrawals within 30 days (even though some troops have already begun to come home from improving areas), a “goal” of full withdrawal by December 2008, restrictions on CIA interrogation techniques including a ban on waterboarding, and part of the Murtha slow-bleed strategy from earlier this year, which requires certifications that deploying units are fully “mission capable.”

From Senate sources: Yesterday’s vote makes a grand total of at least 60 votes on Iraq-related measures during this Congress. Democrats’ mismanagement is on full display here as the Senate prepares to debate yet another bill Democrat leadership knows will be vetoed. Republicans have introduced a clean war funding bill (S. 2340) that would appropriate $70 billion for the Pentagon to fund operations through the spring. If the Democrats want to be responsible, that is the bill that should pass, not their latest attempt to substitute their political judgment for the tactical judgment of General Petraeus and our commanders on the ground.

Meanwhile, there is still NO FIX for the alternative minimum tax and Congress still has not passed a bill to fund veterans programs, days after Veterans Day. Senate Republicans and Pete Hegseth of Vets for Freedom will hold a press conference today at 3:30 to highlight Democrats’ mismanagement of funding for the troops in Iraq and our veterans here at home.

On The Floor: - Senate will again resume consideration of the farm bill (H.R. 2419). After almost two weeks of deadlock, a final agreement on amendments to the farm bill still has not been reached, thanks in part to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
blocking Republicans from offering amendments he didn’t approve of. Reid filed cloture on the bill yesterday in an effort to avoid non-germane amendments. A vote on cloture would likely come tomorrow, but could happen today if Senators agree.
- In the next two days, Senate action is possible on the House-passed supplemental funding bill for Iraq which includes withdrawal language.

- Yesterday, the Senate voted 95-0 to pass a re-authorization of the Head Start program.

Tags: alternative minimum tax, AMT, Farm bill, federal funding, Gallup Poll, Iraq War, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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