Everyone expects the AMT to be fixed this year for the same reason it always has been fixed in the past — failure to do it could cause a taxpayer rebellion. If, as appears likely, Congress fails to pass a real AMT fix before today’s deadline, it will probably be fixed eventually. But many taxpayers will end up with obsolete tax forms (12 different forms are affected by the AMT), creating a huge snag for the IRS. An astounding $75 billion in tax refunds to as many as 50 million people could be delayed for up to ten weeks. That’s great news if you’re a government bean-counter, because you’re essentially getting an interest-free loan of $75 billion from American taxpayers. I t’s very bad news, though, if you are a taxpayer trying to pay your energy bills, your child’s tuition, or your overpriced mortgage. It might also be bad news if you are a Democratic politician who helped create the Great Tax Confusion of 2008. . . . [Read More] See Also Judgment Day
Tags: alternative minimum tax, AMT, Democrats, increased taxes, taxes To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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