by Mark Pazniokas, The Hartford Courant: Anti-war protesters assaulted Connecticut delegates to the Republican National Convention today as they approached the Xcel Energy Center, snatching a credential from an elderly delegate and tossing a dilute solution of bleach at others, witnesses said.
Former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons, who was splashed in the face and on the leg, said the delegates were confronted by 60 to 80 protesters about two blocks from the convention. Local police were overwhelmed, he said."We were halfway from the buses to the door, and there was a breach of security," Simmons said.
Fred Biebel, 83, a delegate at every GOP convention since 1956, said a young woman stole his delegate credential from around his neck. He experienced shortness of breath and was examined by paramedics.Biebel managed to joke about the confrontation once he made it to the convention floor in a wheel chair."We're saying, 'Free speech, not bleach,' " he said.Vehicular access to the convention is tight. The delegates' buses could get no closer than four to six blocks away, giving protesters a chance to confront them. "Too bad I didn't have that experience before I finished my book," said Biebel, who recently self-published a book on his 42 years at conventions.
Tony Guglielmo, a state senator from Stafford, said he, too, was splashed and called names."I went after the guy," he said.There was no immediate word on arrests. Guglielmo said he saw one officer restrain two protesters in head locks. More on Connecticut Delegates Assaulted By Protesters At RNC
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