In May, Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry (D) signed into law HB 1804 which was passed by by overwhelming majorities in both the Oklahoma House (...
Time To Stand Up for America
Phyllis Schlafly Reports: How can we re-motivate and reactivate the coalition of fiscal, national defense, social, and economic conservativ...
Barrack Obama - Condemning divisiveness by being divisive
Joseph Farah: You've got to hand it to Barack Obama. He used his presidential campaign speech to a church to call for separation of ch...
Ford sponsors another gay pride festival and parade
Illinois Family Institute: Company ignores boycott, continues promotion of gay lifestyle. With sales plummeting, employees being laid off a...
Why can't liberal talk radio succeed?
Hal Lindsey: Talk radio is not news, per se, but mostly opinion. Talk-show radio personalities are not journalists in the classic sense of ...
Anti-Jesus activists on warpath against VA Hospitals & Cities
by Gordon Klingenschmitt: Anti-Jesus activists threatened lawsuits in Iowa, North Carolina, Ohio and New York this month to stop Christians...
Romney Welcomes Supreme Court Campaign Finance Ruling
Press Release: Republican presidential candidate and former Massacuesetts Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement on the United...
Eureka Springs becomes first city in Arkansas to register 'Gay Marriages'
by Don Wildmon, AFA : Eureka Springs has become the first city in Arkansas to allow homosexual couples to register as domestic partners. Th...
So-Called Patent Reform Cheats U.S. Inventors
by Phyllis Schlafly: The globalists are making a new attempt to circumvent and weaken a right explicitly recognized in the U.S. Constitutio...
House Proposes Ban on Fairness Doctrine Funding
by Ira Teinowitz: The House of Representatives moved today to ban the Federal Communications Commission from reviving the Fairness Doctrine...
This has been a good day for America.
by Fred Thompson * : For a while, it didn’t look like Washington was going to listen to us regarding real immigration reform. Thankfully, w...
Senator Mark Pryor On Today's Immigration Vote
ARRA Exclusive: We contacted Sen. Pryor's office for a comment about his vote against S 1639. They provided the following press release ...
One of Own - Huckabee on Front Cover of New Man Magazine
Former Governor Mike Huckabee made the cover of the July/Aug issue of " New Man Magazine ." The magazine is one of the top Christi...
The Unfair "Fairness" DoctrineBan the Fairness Doctrine
by James Gattuso, The Heritage Foundation : The debate over the Fairness Doctrine has up until now had a bit of a shadow-boxing quality to...
Boozman Applauds Senate VoteSees new opportunity for plan which secures nation
U.S. Rep John Boozman (R-AR) today applauded the results of a cloture vote preventing the Senate Immigration Bill from a final vote on passa...
Victory Again - Amnesty Immigration Bill Rejected in Senate
By a vote of 46-53, the Senate majority rejected cloture today and stopped the Senate Immigration Bill (S 1639). A great victory. 40 NO vote...
Card Checkmate [Video]Arkansas Democrats Vote to Take Away Secret Ballot
Editorial, Wall Street Journal: Democrats did their duty for the AFL-CIO yesterday, offering and then quickly losing a vote on the Senate f...
Mike Huckabee with James Robison & Michael Farris - Poll of Georgia Voters
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee held a blogger conference call this morning with guests Michael Farris and James Robison . The Governor ...
Nuff Said -Is this the Future of GOP?
"This Picture is worth at least 1000 words, if not 100 times that. Sad isn't it?" (words by GM Roper) Info also posted at Hu...
RNC Refund [Hot Air Video] has release there 4th anti-amnesty ad: If the RNC and U.S. Senate won’t listen, we’ll have to speak its language. There is also ...
Just the "Bear" News - HSUS wants ALL Hunting Stopped!
Update 6/29: ANTI-HUNTING INSLEE-LOBIONDO POLAR BEAR AMENDMENT DEFEATED 188-242 - - NRA-ILA: The Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) and ot...
Fake Papers: “Para la amnistía"
The Boozman Blog : Food for thought, exclusively from the Washington Times . It seems some in Mexico consider the Senate plan an amnesty, a...
Eagles Screaming Names of "The Traitorous 21"Say The Game is Not Over
Yesterday, the Eagles were screaming! In a press release, Eagle Forum labeled 21 U.S. Senators as: The Traitorous 21: Bennett (R-UT), Bingam...
Boozman Votes Against Immigration BillJoins House Republicans in “disapproving” amnesty plan
U.S. Rep. John Boozman (R-AR) joined with House Republicans to voice their opposition to the Senate-backed immigration plan, which Boozman d...
Open Letter to RNC General Chairman Mel MartinezTime to Resign!
Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) Resigns as RNC Chairman on Oct 19, 2007 Update to letter: Senator Mel Martinez actions have now demonstrated that ...
By Roy Beck, Director NumbersUSA: Thanks to all of you who have already responded to our nearly two dozen separate fax and phone action ale...
Frustrated About the Amnesty Senate Vote?
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: In addition to writing and calling your senators to express your frustration over the Cloture vote today on the Se...
Breaking News: Senate Votes "YES" on Cloture & on Amnesty
NumbersUSA: (June 26) By a 64-35 margin, the Senate voted to bring S. 1639, the “corrected and updated” version of S. 1348, to the floor. O...
Senate to Bring Up Immigration Bill Again TodayContact Your Senators and Urge A "No" Vote on Cloture and Bill
by Steve Robertson, Director Legislative Commission, American Legion: The US Senate is again bringing up S. 1639, the “Comprehensive Immigr...
Giuliani Confronts String of Bad NewsFred Thompson Waiting in the Wings
by Libby Quid, AP Writer: Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani has confronted a spate of bad news in recent days . . . . Unannounc...
Your doctor could put you on no-gun listCongress fast-tracks plan to let physicians ban weapons ownership
By Naomi Laine: The House of Representatives has fast-tracked new legislation to "improve" the National Instant Criminal Backgrou...
No “Double Cross” Acceptable On Amnesty Bill
by Ron De Jong: On the eve of the cloture vote to reconsider the amnesty bill, grassroots organizations are united around a common message:...
Liberal Partnerships No Longer in Store for Wal-Mart
Tony Perkins, FRC: For Wal-Mart executives, the most pressing issue hasn't been price wars but the broader culture war. A year after th...
Supreme Court Protects Political Speech but Not Student Drug Promotion
Tony Perkins, FRC: Pro-family groups got mostly good news in a trio of 5-4 decisions handed down today by the U.S. Supreme Court. In FEC v....