Eagle Forum: Rumors are flying around Capitol Hill . . . on the Kyl-Kennedy amnesty bill. . . . Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said President Bush will have to deliver 20 Republican votes for cloture (to end debate and proceed to a vote on final passage) on the Senate bill. 38 Republicans voted against cloture last week and only 7 voted for cloture.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to work out a list of 10 Republican amendments to get votes on before voting to end debate. However, these amendments are almost guaranteed to be 1) of no significance or 2) will be defeated. . . . Your calls are desperately needed! Don’t give up—we can win this! . . . the open borders lobby . . . want you to get tired and quit! . . . Send the message to your Senators that you oppose this bill regardless of amendments and instead you want to see our current immigration laws enforced today! [Read More]
Call Your Senators Today! (202)-224-3121 & The White House Today! (202)-456-1111
Tags: amnesty, Eagle Forum, illegal immigration, immigration reform, US Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
AMNESTY BILL IS COMING BACK!Tell Your Senators to Oppose the Kyl-Kennedy Amnesty . . . period!!
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