Breaking News
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Info Post
by Joseph Farah: If you listen to George W. Bush and his small, fringe-like cadre of amnesty supporters, you would hear that it is virtually impossible to get more than 15 million illegal aliens out of the country. They try to get you to imagine 50,000 747s filled with deportees taking off for Mexico and returning empty . . .

It's a simple matter of using existing law enforcement resources wisely and efficiently and providing the proper incentives for illegal aliens to leave and the proper disincentives for them to stay. What could be a major legislative breakthrough came Friday when Rep. Tom Tancredo, the leader in the Congress on immigration issues and a Republican presidential candidate, successfully offered an amendment to a Homeland Security appropriations bill to withhold federal emergency-services funding from so-called "sanctuary cities" that protect illegal aliens from identification and prosecution. . . . Here are a few other necessary steps:

  • Deputize, authorize and train state and local law enforcement people to identify and prosecute illegal aliens.
  • Penalize employers who hire illegal aliens.
  • End public services and benefits for those who cannot prove they are in the country legally.
  • No driver's licenses for illegal aliens.
  • No more anchor babies. . . . [Read More]

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