ARRA Exclusive: We contacted Sen. Pryor's office for a comment about his vote against S 1639. They provided the following press release late this afternoon:
by Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR): We must reform our nation’s broken immigration system with tough, fair and realistic legislation. I voted against the President’s immigration plan today because the border security and enforcement measures are inadequate and the bill fails to effectively address the individuals who are already here illegally. We should not pass a plan the Congressional Budget Office estimates will only reduce annual illegal immigration by 25 percent.
The Senate has now failed to pass immigration reform for the third time. It’s time for a new approach. I advocate that we strengthen and implement the enforcement measures in this bill and show we can fully enforce immigration laws. As the Senate works behind the scenes to draft a stronger and more sensible bill, President Bush can and should take immediate steps to enforce the laws already on the books. He can do better, and so can the Senate.
ARRA Editor's Comment: We commend and thank Sen. Pryor for his vote supporting the "rule of law" which placed him at odds with the majority of Democrat Senators including Arkansas' Senator Lincoln. Although the executive branch should enforce the laws already on the books, we seek Pryor's assistance to fully fund border security and the agencies that enforce our laws. As Arkansas' former attorney general, he knows well the difficulty of enforcing laws without appropriate funding. Although the legislation has been identified with President Bush, the was drafted by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and others and was supported by a majority of Democrat senators. Kennedy after the vote today chastised the Senate and the public who opposed the bill. He ended by stating "We'll be back!" and that someday all the illegal aliens in America will be made "legal."
Tags: Arkansas, border security, illegal aliens, illegal immigration, immigration reform, Mark Pryor, Senator, US Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Senator Mark Pryor On Today's Immigration Vote
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