U.S. Rep. John Boozman (R-AR, 3-Dist) has announced his support of H.R. 2508 which requires employers who contract with the federal government to use the verification program which is now voluntary for all other businesses. The Internet-based Basic Pilot Program is administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is available in all 50 states and is free to employers to use to verify newly hired employees. “It is important to the security of our nation that contractors working with the federal government are able to determine the eligibility and identity of their employees and this legislation is the proper step toward accomplishing this goal,” Boozman said. This bill will also affect contractors who do business at military bases or other federal installations. Last month, immigration agents arrested a dozen illegal immigrants working for contractors at Camp Robinson in Little Rock, AR. Boozman identified, “This bill can prevent occurrences like this from happening in the future, by requiring contractors which provide services to military installations to ensure their workers are supposed to be working in the United States. This bill is an added protection for American workers, by requiring employers on federal building projects to hire only workers who are eligible to work here. This will prevent workers’ wages from being undercut, and will result in a benefit for our economy.”Tags:employing illegals, employment verification, Homeland Security, John Boozman, US House
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