Breaking News
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Info Post
Editorial, Wall Street Journal: Democrats did their duty for the AFL-CIO yesterday, offering and then quickly losing a vote on the Senate floor to eliminate secret ballots for union organizing elections. Democrats could muster only a single Republican vote -- Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania -- and so the bill went down to a GOP filibuster, 51-48. The way the vote was managed says a lot about how little Democrats really wanted to debate this "card check" legislation in public. Unions claim that it's only fair to let a union organize a work place once 50% of employees have signed a union card. But this very public process leaves workers open to union and peer intimidation, which is why U.S. labor law has allowed secret ballots for a half century. Leaving workers to fend for themselves against the gentle persuasion of, say, the Teamsters isn't a big political winner. . . [Read More]
Senate Democrats voted to eliminate workers' rights to a secret ballot and give big labor bosses exactly what they demanded as payback -- a vote on the Card Check bill. Watch the Democrats giving their thanks to union rally goers for their current majority. See also: OUTRAGE: Arkansas Senators Vote For Union Intimidation (The Truth in Arkansas Politics - Senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln voted for S 800 & caved to special interests of unions today to take away the right to a secret ballot for employees.)

Tags: AFL-CIO, Blanche Lincoln, civil unions, Democrats, Mark Pryor, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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