We will just have another 20 million plus people on the government dole. The welfare wages are simply too high to get people to do the cheap labor for any length of time. Then we will need another 20 million illegals who are not yet eligible for all the government benefits to do the unpleasant work for cheap wages. Never fear! After this amnesty phase, the rush on the border will guarantee cheap labor will be available, but will there be any jobs left for the Americans and how much will this influx depress American wages?
The National and Arkansas Farm Bureau have endorsed the pending Senate immigration bill, saying an enforced only approach to immigration could cost US farmers up $9 billion in a year in lost production and $5 billion in reduced farm income. In other words, they want that cheap labor even if it means developing a slave labor market in our country. And hawkers of "Cheap Labor" pretend they have more compassion than we do for the illegal aliens.
And the labor has never been cheap; the expense is just borne by the taxpayers who pay all those welfare benefits for the children of the illegal aliens born on American soil and the emergency medical benefits for the illegal alien adults as well. Heritage Foundation reports that the average cost to the taxpayer of the household of a low-skill laborer is $19,588 a year. That will be the cost to the taxpayers for most of these 12 to 20 million illegal aliens once they become legal. See this link: " The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayer." . . . [Read More]
Tags: illegal aliens, labor, welfare, Women's Prayer and Action Group To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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