Joseph Farah: You've got to hand it to Barack Obama. He used his presidential campaign speech to a church to call for separation of church and state and then divided himself from the "religious right" by labeling the movement "divisive." Not every rhetorician could get away with that kind of sleight of mouth. . . But Obama explained why it's OK for him to solicit votes and support in churches: "Doing the Lord's work is a thread that runs through our politics since the very beginning. It puts the lie to the notion that separation of church and state in America means faith should have no role in public life." Without missing a beat, however, Obama reassured the audience that he indeed believed in separation of church and state, a concept that appears nowhere in America's founding documents. . . Then, he attacked those in the church who actually stand upon clear, unambiguous biblical commandments and injunctions – labeling them "divisive." He denounced those "who've been all too eager to exploit what divides us." He would never do that, of course. - Obama supports abortion on demand. The Bible doesn't. - Obama supports homosexual unions. The Bible doesn't. - Obama opposes prayer in government schools. The Bible commands believers to pray unceasingly. - Obama opposes teaching the overwhelming evidence the world was created with an intelligent plan. The Bible reveals that plan. Thus, anyone who stands up for the Bible in the political realm is "divisive," according to Obama . . .
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