"I was prosecuted for trying to adopt the three daughters of my wife's sister after their father died in Mexico," Aleman said in a telephone interview. "My wife and I cannot have children and we already have an adopted Samoan child from Hawaii, Noe Aleman III, now age 18." But to read the statement from Sutton's office, Aleman is a dangerous criminal who defrauded the United States by smuggling aliens, providing false testimony to the adoption court, and lying to federal authorities about the girls' ages, whereabouts, and parentage. . . . [Read More]
Aleman's legally adopted daughters are today at an orphanage in Juarez, separated from their adopted parents and forbidden from returning to the United States for another 10 years. "It's hard to see what's happened to me as justice," Aleman argued over the phone. "I spent 12 years of my life on the border trying to prevent criminals and illegal aliens from entering the United States and now I find myself going to federal prison." "What crime did I commit?" Aleman asks. "There are organized criminals out there who bring hundreds of women and children into the U.S. for sexual exploitation. I'm not one of the bad guys. I'm one of the good guys who just wanted to adopt three kids who were already part of our family." The Aleman family has set up a defense site at their website.
Tags: border control, border guards, Ignacio Ramos, Johnny Sutton, Noe Aleman To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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