Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Delegates from across Arkansas participated in a special Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA) Endorsement Convention. They considered 9 Republican presidential candidates. Unlike the Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA), who may not endorse a candidate before the primary, the ARRA may endorse candidates. While all the members of the ARRA are Republicans, the ARRA is an independent caucus made up of social, moral, and fiscal Conservative Arkansans who believe in God, family, and country and who work together in County Republican Assemblies in Arkansas to strengthen and to uphold moral and traditional family values and Republican principles and ideals.
Tags: Arkansas Republican Assembly, ARRA, Bill Smith, conservative, Election 2008, endorsement, Fred Thompson, NFRA, presidential candidate, Republican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
An endorsement convention can be long and tedious. For a candidate to receive an endorsement, two-thirds (66.7%) of the ARRA delegates have to cast their ballots for that candidate. If a candidate achieves this percentage, voting ceases and the candidate is considered endorsed. At this years Endorsement convention, at the completion of the initial balloting, 80 percent of the delegates voted to endorse Fred Thompson. Balloting ceased.
The ARRA is pleased to announce its endorsement of former Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee as the Republican Candidate for President. Earlier at its 10th annual state convention on Saturday, July 21, 2007 in Clarksville, Arkansas, the ARRA held a straw poll and Fred Thompson won the unofficial straw poll.
In summary, the endorsement convention delegates voted as follows: Fred Thompson 80%; Rudy Giuliani 6.67%; Ron Paul 4.44%; Mike Huckabee 4.44%; Mitt Romney 2.22%, Duncan Hunter 2.22%; John McCain, Tom Tancredo and Allan Keys 0%.
The ARRA was chartered Aug. 9, 1997 under the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), which has a 70 year history of success as a true grassroots organization. The NFRA is our nation's oldest and largest Republican volunteer organization. ARRA is presently chartering county chapters and serving as a gathering point for fiscal and social conservatives.
Arkansas Republican Assembly Endorses Fred Thompson
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