Breaking News
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Info Post
Update: Roll Call Vote available for all US Reprentatives on ENDA. As for Arkansas, John Boozman (R), Marion Berry (D) and Mike Ross (D) vote NO. However, Vic Snyder (D) voted for the bill. Vic Snyder remains out of touch with main stream Arkansans.
The “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” H.R.3685, offered by Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), passed the House, 235-184. U.S. Rep John Boozman (R-AR) today voted to protect the religious freedoms of Americans by voting against legislation which will open up expressions of religious belief in the workplace to legal attack. “This legislation does not grant equal protection. Rather, it grants special protections to one group of people at the expense of the religious freedoms of others,” Boozman said. “This bill will put the beliefs, and the right to believe, of millions of Americans in the hands of judges who can read what they want into the law and hand down a ruling. This is a cleverly named anti-discrimination bill which actually discriminates against religion.”

A Republican Motion to Recommit was offered which stated that nothing in the proposed legislation “may be construed to modify, limit, restrict, or in any way overturn any State or Federal definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, including the use of this Act as a legal predicate in litigation on the issue of marriage.” The motion failed on a mainly party-line vote, with few members crossing the aisle. Boozman voted for this motion to protect marriage and said, “With the activism we’ve seen by some judges across the nation, it is important that this language should have been included in this bill, By adding specific language which protects the institution of marriage, we take out any ambiguity that could have been used to attack it and give activist judges an opening to rule on what they believe, as opposed to what is the law.”

Tags: Arkansas, Barney Frank, discrimination, Employment Non-Discrimination Act, ENDA, John Boozman, religous freedom, US House To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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