Breaking News
Thursday, June 7, 2007

Info Post
U.S. Rep. John Boozman (R-AR) today voted against legislation which would expand the use of taxpayers’ dollars on the intentional destruction of unborn children for medical benefits. Boozman joined a bipartisan group of 176 members in voting against S. 5, the “Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007,” a bill which has already garnered a veto threat from President Bush.

“As a medical professional, the exploitation of an unborn child for the purposes of obtaining stem cells is not in the best interests of the United States,” Boozman, a member of the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, said. "Stem-cells do hold promise for the advancement of medicine, and scientific research has shown that stem-cells can be obtained by steps which do not include the killing of an unborn baby. Medical advances, as recent as yesterday afternoon, show that stem-cells can be obtained from simple skin cells. I find it troubling the House leadership has chosen to put a bill forward which essentially advocates the destruction of human life, when the science shows us that doesn’t need to be an option,” Boozman continued.

On June 6, three separate research teams reported success in transforming skin cells in mice into cells which act like embryonic stem cells, which are capable of developing into all types of tissue. Earlier this year, researchers from Harvard and Wake Forest isolated stem cells from amniotic fluid. “I have seen the remarkable advances in biomedicine after spending my adult life in medicine,” Boozman, a Doctor of Optometry, said. “The future of science leaves me optimistic as to what we can accomplish. It is important however, that we as doctors, scientists, and government leaders promote an ethical stance and avoid the exploitation of human life.

Tags: Arkansas, John Boozman, stem cell research, stem cells, US House


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