Breaking News
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Info Post
ARRA Editor - This week, we are pleased to have several blogs partners and exchange links to share and get out our message. Tonight, we feature Christian Conservative blog which posted info concerning Governor Mike Huckabee and last night's debate. But to get the full import, please visit their blog. Welcome Christian Conservative!
Christian Conservative: Christian Conservative had the opportunity and privilege of sitting in on a bloggers only conference call with Gov. Huckabee this morning. . . . Huckabee first complemented bloggers by saying that the “blogging community gives us an opportunity to touch a whole lot of people in this country.” He then turned to his disappointment by the lack of questions on education asked in the debates. In the media conference call (which we also sat in on), Huckabee furthered this idea and said that the questions kept focusing on Iraq, which nine of the candidates have similar ideas about, but no questions about taxes, and no questions about education. He mentioned (and we agree), that it is absurd to ask about the truth of evolution because this is not an issue being discussed by American families around the dinner table. They want to know what will happen when their child “breaks an arm at the playground” not whether or not the President agrees with six day creationism. As far as Christian Conservative is concerned, we find the evolution question interesting, but agree with Huckabee that the issue is unimportant in these debates. . . . [Read More]

Mike Huckabee Wows Audience: Here is a video showing Huckabee’s response to a question posed to him about his belief in evolution. Huckabee does a fantastic job here of responding to a question that was meant to put Huckabee on his heels (which I guess is understandable in this style of debate), and then Wolf Blitzer has the gall to rephrase, and actually change, the question in an attempt to again trip up Huckabee. Well done Governor, your answer is articulate, thought out, and seems to impress the audience as well. [Christian Conservative]

Tags: Christian Conservative, debate, evolution, GOP, Mike Huckabee, New Hampshire, presidential candidate, Republican


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