Breaking News
Saturday, June 9, 2007

Info Post
Tony Perkins: In a surprise move on Wednesday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) allowed for a vote on a phony cloning ban bill under special rules. Despite using every procedural trick in the book, Pelosi's strategy backfired, and the legislation tanked. In an effort to make up for that lost ground, Speaker Pelosi called for a vote on another bill that was a guaranteed victory. Furthering their attack on bioethics, she and her colleagues passed legislation for the second time this session that would increase the taxpayer funding of human embryonic stem cell experimentation. Although the bill managed to squeak through the House, it failed to get the number of votes that would be necessary to override President Bush's promised veto. Meanwhile, Pelosi must not have learned from Rudy Giuliani's experience during the GOP debate when the building was struck by lightening as he sought to justify abortion. Pro-lifers expected a similar jolt after the Speaker invoked God's blessing on the stem cell bill's passage, saying, "Science is a gift of God to all of us, and science has taken us to a place that is biblical in its power to cure... And that is embryonic stem cell research." This is just the latest example of the Left's aggressive efforts to lure the unsuspecting into supporting immoral and unethical policies which are whitewashed with spiritual words and phrases.

In other Congressional action yesterday, a bill was introduced that will punish pharmacists that refuse to dispense Plan B because of moral objections. If the Access to Birth Control Act passes, pharmacists could no longer opt-out through conscience protection laws and would face a $500,000 fine if they stand their moral ground. Join us in urging Congress to respect the conviction of pharmacists--not punish them because of it.
See Also: House Passes Stem Cell Bill Despite Veto Threat
Philadelphia City Council Adopts Pro-Abortion Position, No Brotherly Love
Pharmacists Could Pay 500K for Not Dispensing Plan B Under Natl Bill

Tags: FRC, Nancy Pelosi, stem cells, Tony Perkins To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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