CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Osama bin Laden urged sympathizers to join the “caravan” of martyrs as he praised one of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers in a new video that emerged Tuesday to mark the sixth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Al-Qaida traditionally issues a video every year on the anniversary, with the last testament of one of the 19 hijackers involved in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. This year’s video showed hijacker Waleed al-Shehri addressing the camera and warning the U.S.: “We shall come at you from your front and back, your right and left.” . . . Read: Bin Laden Wants ‘Caravan’ of Martyrs
by TexasFred: . . . Until 9-11-01 happened I didn’t want to kill all Muslims just because they were Muslims, but on 9-11-01 the ultimate evil that IS Islam reared it’s ugly head and declared WAR on the USA and the world itself as far as I am concerned, it actually happened several times before 2001, going back to 1979, but most of us looked at it as less than war, I don’t know why, but we did.
To this very day, for the life of me I can’t understand HOW Islam can call itself the ‘Religion of Peace’ and commit the acts of violence and terrorism that they do, all I can think of is that Muslims MUST be the biggest bunch of moonbat hypocrites that this world has ever known, Islam is nothing more than evil incarnate. And the reason I lump ALL Muslims in to this diatribe is simply because there have been very few run of the mill, day in, day out Muslims take a stand against Islamic terrorism and voice their disgust for these actions committed in the name of their ‘Religion of
Don’t everyday Muslims realize how close people like Osama bin Laden are bringing them to that martyrdom they seem so eager to achieve? Is that what they want? Martyrdom? . . . We didn’t start this WAR, we didn’t go to some Islamic nation and attack them, WE WERE ATTACKED and WAR was declared by Islam against us, and you know, I’ll give the devil his due, our President started off quite well in his counter attack, I was PROUD of Bush in the early stages of the GWoT, but it appears he lost his focus on the Taliban . . . Iraq isn’t going to attack us, Islam will, and they won’t follow us here from Iraq, they are here already, in place and only God knows what the evil b------ are waiting for.
Our enemies are WORLD WIDE, anywhere Islam exists, including right here in THIS nation, Islam has declared WAR and any Muslim ------ that won’t stand and declare that Muslims are WRONG for attacking America is nothing more than another enemy, and in a WAR you kill your enemies, that’s how you WIN, you kill so many of your enemies that they no longer have the desire nor the ability to attack you, ever again.
Islamic warriors want a war, then I say we give them a WAR, not some politically correct ‘tit for tat’ BS, I say we give em a BIG honkin’ WAR, one that is so violent, so totally and terribly brutal in it’s violence and destruction that they will never raise a hand against Americans again. Does America have the guts to take that type of attack to our enemies? I have serious doubts, likely no more than half of America has the stomach for a REAL fight any more, if the numbers are that high, and the part of this nation that doesn’t have the guts to fight may well be what gets our other half killed as we try to save this nation and them in the process.
But here’s what those Americans that won’t fight Islam haven’t considered, after those of us that WILL fight the evil of Islam are gone, Islam is coming after them, and then their lives are forfeit as well if they don’t submit to the evil sect, and by the time the cowardly, roll over and take it, lefty libbers find the ---- to actually fight, it WILL be too late and America will be a distant memory. TexasFred
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