Breaking News
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Info Post
ARRA: Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) smarting from receiving lower delegate votes than former Gov. Huckabee at the conclusion of the "Value Voter's" debate has attacked Huckabee's "Ignorance of Key Pro-life Issues." Brownback had been a banner carrier of the pro-life movement in the Senate and in January was still a winner among the antiabortion right. Brownback's stumbling over the illegal immigration issue has had a serious impact on his poll ratings which remain on average between 1% of likely Republican voters.

However at the Huckabee's charismatic preacher presence overshadowed Brownback's slightly senatorial arrogant demeanor. As a result. Huckabee received 63% of the 340 delegates who were hand-selected by 40 of the country's social activists and opinion-makers. Huckabee received more votes than all the other candidates combined. Huckabee had 219 votes to Brownback's 18 votes.

Brownback's campaign came out swinging and said about Huckabee:
While Senator Sam Brownback has lead the fight in the Senate to protect a key pro-life federal policy, former Governor Mike Huckabee revealed an alarming ignorance of the issue when asked about it at today's Values Voters Presidential Debate.

When asked if he would apply the principle of the Mexico City Policy--which prevents American taxpayer dollars from supporting overseas organizations that provide abortions--to groups that provide abortions in the U.S., Huckabee seemed confused and twice asked clarifying questions that indicated his ignorance of a major element of pro-life policy on the federal level.

Two weeks ago, when Democrats in the U.S. Senate moved to overturn the Mexico City Policy, Senator Brownback lead the pro-life fight and introduced the amendment that would have kept this key pro-life policy intact. When Huckabee indicated his unfamiliarity with the issue at the Values Voters debate, Senator Brownback stepped in to explain the moderator's question.

"Time and time again, Senator Brownback has been on the leading edge of the fight to protect the right to life," said John Rankin, Iowa Communications Director of Brownback for President. "Other candidates might talk about being pro-life, but none can match Senator Brownback's record of demonstrated leadership." [Source]
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor's Opinion: We commend Sen. Sam Brownbacks support of the "right to life" movement. However, it is time for Sam Brownback to end his presidential campaign and focus on his responsibilities as senator. He is adding literally nothing of consequence to the presidential debate and at 1% is making little or no impact. At this time, he cannot effectively compete and would not receive the Republican nomination. Time to stop waisting your limited supporter's money and to regain some credibility to influence the conservative cause.

Tags: debate, Mike Huckabee, presidential candidates, pro-life, Republican, Senator, Sam Brownback, value voters, Bill Smith To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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