Breaking News
Monday, September 10, 2007

Info Post
by Rep. John Boozman: I appreciate the straight-forward manner by which General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker responded to our questions today. I believe their statements reflect the facts as they are on the ground in Iraq, which I observed just over two weeks ago. It is my hope that the Members who heard today’s report, as well as all Members of the House of Representatives, take their words into serious consideration as we move forward to charting out our future role in Iraq and not jump to conclusions popular with vocal special-interest groups.

I applaud today’s recommendations of troop reductions based on the surge running its course and the improving security situation in Iraq. While I remain opposed to Congress unilaterally setting a date for withdrawal, I welcome any opportunity to bring our troops home in a manner which benefits our interests and security, as well as those of our allies and the region. Continued success on the ground in Iraq will hasten the safe return of our men and women, while continued improvement in the political situation in Iraq is contingent on the success on the ground. We know this. Our allies know this. The Iraqis know this. It is in all our interests that the Congress work to craft a solution based on the reality of the situation in Iraq, and not on the political situation in Washington, in order to provide our troops with the support they need to realize this success. [Source: Boozman News]

Tags: Arkansas, General David Petraeus, Iraq War, John Boozman, Representative, US House


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