Breaking News
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Info Post
U.S. Rep. John Boozman (R-AR) today called for the end of so-called “Sanctuary Cities,” by adding his name to the “Accountability in Enforcing Immigration Laws Act of 2007. ”The bill, offered by Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL), would allow the Dept. of Homeland Security to withhold 25% of non-emergency security funding from cities and municipalities which provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants, while requiring immigration checks for employees at airports and critical infrastructure sites. Additionally, the bill requires Immigration and Customs Enforcement to take illegals into custody, or pay state and local governments a per-diem rate for detention, while authorizing a bonus program for state and local agencies to help enforce immigration law under the 287(g) program.

“This is important legislation which will stop the practice of some cities ignoring our immigration laws by providing illegal immigrants sanctuary,” Boozman said. “’Sanctuary Cities’ must be ended as we continue to work on securing our homeland. “By withholding non-emergency money from these localities, the federal government is sending a serious message. This legislation will make our cities safer, as it will gives us the opportunity take violent criminal offenders off the streets who would otherwise not be asked their immigration status when arrested,” Boozman said . . . [Read More]

Tags: Arkansas, illegal aliens, John Boozman, Representative, Republican, sanctuary cities, US House


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