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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Info Post
Tony Perkins, FRC: It shouldn't surprise us that George Soros's is taking cheap shots at the military in an anti-war ad. What should surprise us, according to today's headlines, is just how cheap those shots were. ABC news is reporting that The New York Times gave MoveOn its full-page ad, which smears a decorated Army General, for $102,000 off the going rate! As NewsBusters says, the amount Soros paid is "less than any rate listed in the New York Times schedule." Of course the irony is that MoveOn doesn't need the discount. It happens to be funded by one of the wealthiest liberals in America. The ad, which reads "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" was published in the midst of Petraeus's testimony on the Iraq war. In it, Soros accuses the general of being "at war with the facts" and "cooking the books for the White House"--allegations that many in Congress have openly condemned. Now, of course, the buzz is less about what the ad said and more about the Times' obvious bias. For a paper that trumpets its neutrality, this incident is exposing the Times for what it is--an accessory to the political Left. If I'm wrong, and this represents the new pricing for all advocacy groups, FRC looks forward to receiving the same rate on its next full-page ad. See Times Gives Lefties a Hefty Discount for 'Betray Us' Ad

Fred Thompson blasts and the Democrats who will not disavow the attack on General Petraeus. Fred Thompson: “It’s more and more apparent to me every day that the average 20 year old who is serving us in Iraq knows more about national security than many of the 20 year veterans in Congress.”

Tags: FRC, Fred Thompson, General David Petraeus, Moveon, Tony Perkins To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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