RNC: Tomorrow, Gen. David Petraeus will appear before Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Barack Obama (D-IL) when he testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee and Foreign Relations Committee: "The general and the ambassador then appear Tuesday, the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, in testimony first before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and in the afternoon before the Senate Armed Services Committee..." (Thom Shanker, "The Time Has Come, The General's Here: Petraeus Preps For Testimony On Iraq," The New York Times, 9/8/07)
Liberal Group, MoveOn.org, Claimed Today In Full Page New York Times Ad That Gen. Petraeus Was "Cooking The Books" And Called Him "General Betray Us": "[Petraeus] has already come under fire from MoveOn.org which in a full page ad in Monday's New York Times dubbed him 'General Betray Us' and alleged he was 'Cooking The Books For The White House.'" (Peter Wuetherich, "Petraeus: Battle-Hardened General On The Frontlines In Iraq," Agence France Presse, 9/10/07)
Earlier this year, Hillary and Obama commended MoveOn.org at a virtual town hall meeting on Iraq: Hillary thanked MoveOn.org: "I think you have helped to change the face of American politics for the better... both online, and in the corridors of power. . . . So, although some of your members may be a little surprised to hear me say this, I am grateful for your work." (Sen. Hillary Clinton, MoveOn.org Virtual Town Hall Meeting On Iraq, 4/10/07) Obama said: "I think we have an opportunity to begin the process of restoring America's image throughout the world, so I just am looking forward to being in a partnership with all of you in making that happen." (Sen. Barack Obama, MoveOn.org Virtual Town Hall Meeting On Iraq, 4/10/07)
Hillary and Obama have used their Senate roles to court left-wing primary voters. "The democrat presidential candidates ... used their Senate roles to court likely caucus and primary voters, the overwhelming majority of whom strongly oppose the war." . . . Competition between Hillary and Obama has become "A running sideshow. . . . both the competition between Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) and Barack Obama (Ill.) and the efforts by the rest of the field . . . to push the front-runners further left." (Shailagh Murray & Dan Balz, "Democrats' Struggle To Change Course In Iraq Has Produced Much Debate, Little Action," The Washington Post, 9/10/07)
Other leading Senate Democrats have already denounced the MoveOn.org ad. . . . At tomorrow's Petraeus hearings, will Hillary and Obama denounce and apologize for MoveOn.org's attack ad or continue to follow their lead? . . . [Read More]
Tags: Barack Obama, Democrats, General David Petraeus, Hillary Clinton, Moveon.org, RNC To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Will Hillary And Obama Denounce And Apologize For MoveOn.org's Attack Ad Or Continue To Follow Their Lead?
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