By Curious George: Some Republicans are chosing to listen to organizations like the Chamber of Commerce and Farm Bureau to chart their course on the contentious topic of illegal immigration. I, on the other hand, prefer to listen to groups like the American Legion. When discussing who to side with in this debate, I'll side with the guys who have fought to preserve our liberties in a time of war.
I highly encourage you to read the American Legion Policy Paper: Strategy to Address Illegal Immigration. Here is the order they suggest the problem be addressed:
1. Secure the borders and other points of entry.
2. Eliminate the jobs and social services benefits magnets for illegals.
3. No amnesty.
4. Reduce the number of illegals in the United States.
5. Effectively screen and track all foreign visitors.
The Legion really lays out each point and supporting information. Information that demonstrates how badly the legislators in Little Rock are being lied to about the cost of illegal immigration. Be sure not to miss Appendix B where a series of adversarial questions are responded to. Here is a sampling:
Who should enforce our immigration laws? The Feds? State or local law enforcement?
The American Legion believes it should be all three. It’s position is "… that this country’s law enforcement agencies at the local, state and federal levels be empowered with the authority to apprehend and incarcerate individuals who are in this country illegally." If this was the case several years ago, there may have been no September 11, 2001 attack as several of the terrorists had been stopped by local authorities while in this country illegally for minor traffic violations prior to the attack.
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