Three days ago, we posted the comments of Rep. John Boozman (R-AR) Commemorating 50th Anniversary of the integration of Little Rock Central High School. Today we identify source information on the Republican leadership that lead to desegregation and making it possible for the brave teenagers to come forward to claim their Constitutional right to an equal education despite protests, threats of violence and even the Arkansas National Guard. Before this event the Republican led Congress passed the 1957 Civil Rights Act. Although criticized by people like Sen. Lyndon Johnson (D-TX) and Sen. John Kennedy (D-MA), this act would shape their own future policies when they both became president. In addition, this event addressed the authority and use of power between a President (then Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five star Army General) and a Governor (then Democrat Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus) over the control of the National Guard and the use the US Military to influence domestic civil rights. You may read about the Republican influence on this and other issues at Grand Old Partisan.Also consider the book:"Back to Basics for the Republican Party." Tags:Arkansas, Civil Rights, History, Little Rock, Politics, Republican, Republican Party
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