by Tony Perkins, Washington Update, FRC: Seventeen years ago, on April 6, 1990, a group of teenagers in Burleson, TX assembled to go to three schools and pray around the campus's flagpoles. On September 12 of that year, 45,000 students at 1,200 schools in four states followed the Burleson example. Word of the flagpole-praying students spread, mostly in the same way that the word of Jesus first did--by word of mouth--this time greatly helped by the Internet. Last year over 2 million students in the U.S. took part and schools from countries all over the world also joined in this moving experience. Tomorrow, September 26, marks the 17th "See You at the Pole" and I ask that you encourage your children to participate. Take some time yourself and pray for these students to have no fear in praising our Lord. In recent years some schools have tried to stop kids from praying around the flagpole. Our friends at Alliance Defense Fund are always ready to defend these prayer warriors and have released a memo explaining the constitutionality of these wondrous prayer events. This year's theme is "Gather. Unite. Pray. Come Together," based on John 17:20-23. Tags:education, Family Research Council, FRC, prayer, Tony PerkinsTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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