by Jerome R. Corsi: A 1998 document . . .shows the North American SuperCorridor Coalition, or NASCO, was originally named the North American Superhighway Coalition. The document plays into an emerging debate in which a number of critics, including President Bush, want to deny that a NAFTA "Superhighway" exists . . . two 1998 letters: one, a June 10, 1998, letter written to Tiffany Newsom, executive director of NASCO, by Francisco J. Conde, editor and publisher of the Conde Report on U.S.-Mexico Relations; and the second, a June 10, 1998 letter written by Newsom to consultants . . . Conde addresses NASCO as North America's Superhighway Coalition and compliments Newsom and NASCO for supporting the Interstate Highway 35 Corridor Coalition consulting team . .
Newsom's letter notes the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, or TEA-21, was signed into law by President Clinton June 9, 1998. Newsom writes, "This bill contains for the first time in history a category and funding for trade corridors and border programs." She continues, "The I-35 corridor is the strongest and most organized of the corridor initiatives so, if we play our cards right, we stand to get a part of the $700 million." Newsom was referring to a section of TEA-21 devoted to a new National Corridor Planning and Development program, identifying highway corridors that were specifically identified with international trade and a Coordinated Border Infrastructure program designed "to improve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods at or across the U.S./Canadian and U.S./Mexican borders." . . . [Read More]
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