Dr. Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: The American Worker Needs Your Help! The Arkansas Republican Assemblies news service is supporting a large coalition of groups running the above TV ad. The editors will relocate this post to the top of our postings through Labor Day. So bear with us when you see the ad reappearing - the message is important to 54 unemployed Americans and may unfortunately apply soon to you, a family member, a close friend or neighbor.
The ad has a brief clip of the outrageous training conference in which a law firm teaches businesses how to avoid hiring American workers so they can import more foreign workers. Please help get this word out by sharing this posting with others - and take time to comment on this post. Join in the effort to Tell ALL The Presidential Candidates You Agree With This Ad and Want Less Foreign Worker Importation by signing the petition identified below. Presidential candidates will give lip service to American workers and their families on this coming Labor Day holiday. But nearly all of them are making no promises to correct these abuses or to reduce the massive flow of foreign workers that has been depressing the wages of - and even taking the jobs away from - American workers. Most of the candidates support increasing the flow of foreign labor competition.
More than 27 million jobs in the U.S. are now held by foreign workers while more than 54 million working-age Americans don't have a job. Yet American jobs are being outsourced daily to workers in other countries. Even worse, Big Business has now teamed up with immigration and labor lawyers to avoid hiring American workers here at home. That's right.
Tags: American workers, illegal immigrants, legal workers, petitions, presidential candidates, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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