Rasmussen Reports: In the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination, Likely Republican Primary Voters prefer
Rudy Giuliani 25%
Fred Thompson 22%
Mitt Romney 14%
John McCain 13%
Mike Huckabee remains atop the second tier at 5%
[See recent daily numbers]
Favorably Viewed by GOP Voters: Giuliani 70%; Thompson 60%; Romney 59%; McCain 58%. McCain, however, is viewed unfavorably by 38% of Republican voters. Unfavorables for the other three range from 24% to 27%.
In race for the Democrat Presidential Nomination, Likely Democrat Primary Voters prefer:
Hillary Clinton 45%
Barack Obama 23%
John Edwards 13%
[See recent daily numbers]
Bill Richardson, Joe Biden &and Dennis Kucinich each 3%. [Read More]
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Rasmussen Reports - GOP Poll for 9/7/07
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