Breaking News
Saturday, September 1, 2007

Info Post
The Baxter Bulletin: U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor said Friday that his Senate campaign gave to charity $12,000 in contributions linked to a Democratic fundraiser who turned himself in to authorities in a grand theft case. Pryor, D-AR, told The Associated Press that his campaign gave $2,500 in contributions from Norman Hsu, as well as donations from six other people connected to Hsu who gave money through a fundraiser co-hosted by Hsu, to Big Brothers Big Sisters when he learned that Hsu was wanted in California.

Pryor said he contributed the money from Hsu to Big Brothers Big Sisters at a fundraiser for the charity Thursday night. "We just thought it was better to be safe than sorry," Pryor said in an interview. "Just to be safe, we went ahead and did that. We probably went a little too far, but just to make sure that there's no perception problem there." . . . Pryor, who was elected to the Senate in 2002 and is seeking a second term next year, said he met Hsu at an event in New York. "I don't know a lot about him," Pryor said. "Our guys connected somehow or somebody called us and said, 'Hey, I think this guy may have been at one of your events in New York.'" . . . [Read More]

Tags: Arkansas, campaign funds, fund raiser, Mark Pryor, Norman Hsu


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