ARRA Editor: We try to present a fair and balanced view of Republican candidates - the good and the not so good. In this effort, we solicit information from all the campaigns.
Today we highlight some of Steven Nielson comments on Friday's Q&A between bloggers and Mike Huckabee Steve is the Editor of Colorado For Huckabee: I got to talk to Mike Huckabee via a blogger conference call this morning as well. What a day for me! Mike was charged and energized about the growing momentum for his campaign in the wake of the Ames poll success, and the subsequent early primary state polls which show his gain at sometimes double digits in the last three weeks since Ames! Mike boasted about the increase in fundraising now that he is pushing into the "top tier"... and noted that since Ames, his website has had 3.2 Million hits... imagine if each hit relates to a dollar donation... or at least one in ten equals a $10 donation... either way you slice it, I am looking forward to Mike's fundraising numbers for the next quarter!
Here is a quick snapshot of the conference call:
1. Question posed by me! I was quick on the trigger this morning! My question asked about Fred Thompson's Sept 6th entrance into the race, and how it may affect Mike's current surge in the polls... as well as what Mike's national strategy is to maintain the surge and keep his numbers heading in the positive direction:
Mike: Fred Thompson is underwhelming (in fundraising, less than half of what they were expecting), and his momentum is going to be hampered because he is no longer "alone in the spotlight". He is going to have to speak up for his stance on the issues, and face the other candidates on a debate stage. Of course his Sept 6th entrance is telling of his troubled campaign, as an entrance into the debate would have aided in a further slip in his polling numbers.As far as the national strategy - The campaign is going to focus on states where "we come out of the chute"... This means early primary states (because if we don't do well in these states, the others mean nothing). Also, the big focus is on fundraising...
Of course, these aren't all exact quotes, but paraphrases...
2. From Kevin Tracy @ - another bizarre question from Kevin! This one related to Sex Slavery around the world and how as president he would deal with it:
Mike: The online world has increased the need for sex slavery, with sex websites and video trades and sales. The main need is to maximize our laws to protect US citizens against such acts.
3. Holly from S.C.: Regarding Chinese goods...
Mike: It is time for the US to draw a clear and decisive line in the sand: We demand higher quality products and better working standards for employees of foreign businesses. If we do not get these, we need to impose some sort of trade sanctions... (stop feeding the beast)... This may mean an economic impact in the US, but it will also be felt in China, and thus the demands will be met.
4. Jon Rogers: Iowa judge strikes down the Defense of Marriage Act, what are your reactions?
Mike: This is proof positive that when you elect liberal legislators, they appoint liberal judges. We get what we elect... so if you want more of this same trend, elect more liberals. I am shocked at the judge's orders and overreaching decision. Iowa may need to consider a state constitutional amendment to address this issue.
5. Tom from Polisticks: How do you propose to enforce Personal Responsibility in Healthcare?
Mike: The current system supports a "live as you wish" lifestyle, where the focus is on dealing with issues caused by poor lifestyles. There are no incentives for healthy living! We need to offer similar incentives, as I did as Gov.of Arkansas, that will change the status quo of health in living... this includes free enrollment in smoking cessation plans, insurance covering weight loss programs, $500 rebates for health assessment screening, etc... I plan on making health tools and incentives the centerpiece of my health plan.
6. How do you plan on curbing government spending?
Mike: The first thing you need to do is turn the lights on government spending. Every penny needs to be accounted for to the American people. As governor, you are not allowed to just print out more money... so the government needs to follow the same rules... live within our means, don't pass this on to our children.
7. Where do you see economic politics as a role in the party? You have said things that make wall street guys nervous, and your recent endorsement by the IAM Labor union is contrary to the GOP "norm":
Mike: I am supported by true economic conservatives. Attacks are coming from special interest groups with a focus on one part of the economy... narrow views. I support the Fair Tax, which would benefit everyone. It is the most empowering economic idea for the lower income citizens. Our current standard is focused on Greed, Not Capitalism. The greedy corporate entities need to share with those who are making them rich. There is no reason why a CEO makes 2200 times as much as the technician on the floor! . . . [Read More]
Tags: bloggers, Colorado, Election 2008, Mike Huckabee, presidential candidate, Republican
Following Mike Huckabee's Comments to Bloggers
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